Proper nutrition for knee osteoarthritis is the basis of effective treatment. All those interested in improving health should understand what kind of diet is required for osteoarthritis of the knee joints. Basic principles, allowed and forbidden foods, sample menu - the main issues that require additional consideration.

Dietary requirements for osteoarthritis

nutritional rules for knee osteoarthritis

The main purpose of a diet for knee joint diseases is to lose weight, get the right amount of nutrients that have a positive effect on cartilage tissue and the symptoms of the disease. Proper nutrition should be observed until the end of life.

General principles of osteoarthritis diet:

  1. The need for fractional nutrition. It is recommended to eat in small portions up to five times a day. Fractional diet prevents overload, and therefore guarantees better weight prevention.
  2. The maximum amount of calories per day is 3500 kcal. Such calorie content is allowed with an active lifestyle and serious physical work.
  3. Dinner is required a few hours before bedtime.
  4. It is recommended to constantly monitor the weight.
  5. The diet includes healthy foods that contain ingredients necessary for the knee joints. Possible unhealthy foods are excluded from the menu.
  6. Dishes require proper heat treatment. The benefits of food depend on this.
  7. Eliminate very hot and cold foods. It is advisable to eat warm meals.
  8. Careful and slow chewing is required. Compliance with this rule will prevent overload.
  9. It is recommended to drink one and a half liters a day. The emphasis is on clean water.

The diet is conducted under medical supervision in the same way that doctors take into account the patient's health condition when making recommendations. Experts recommend including in the menu products that help to get the required amount of nutrients. The support of the body aims to prevent osteoarthritis and eliminate the symptoms associated with inflammatory processes.

Essential Nutrients

Knee osteoarthritis requires minerals and vitamins, so this aspect is important when planning meals.

manifestations of osteoarthritis of the knee joints (1)

Vitamin C is considered one of the most important. Vitamin C forms connective tissue, restores the knee joint. Antioxidant properties protect the cartilage tissue of the knees from free radicals. Doctors note that women need less vitamin C every day, and more for men. Vitamin C also helps improve the immune system, thanks to which the body itself fights inflammation of the knee joints.

Boron promotes bone renewal. Boron and magnesium contribute to the complete absorption of calcium, which is necessary for the knee joints. As a result, boron and magnesium, as well as calcium, are required in the preparation of the diet. Three components that work together are required not only for treatment but also for prevention.

Pantothenic acid improves the cell health of the knee joint. A useful ingredient is present in beef and pork liver, nuts, mushrooms, green peas. The amount of the substance is determined by the severity of the symptoms.

Include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Substances eliminate pain syndrome, inflammation. For a pronounced therapeutic effect, a constant supply of fatty acids is required.

Prohibited Products

Many people are interested in what not to eat with osteoarthritis of the knee joints. Some foods contain substances that are potentially dangerous. If food increases the risk of weight gain, it is also recommended to skip it.

The following foods are excluded from the diet:

  1. Fatty meat products. Such products lead to weight gain, impair the condition of the knee joints, having a negative effect on motor activity and worsening symptoms.
  2. Vegetables: white cabbage, peppers, tomatoes. These vegetables contain ingredients that are dangerous to the cartilage tissue of the knee joint. For example, the use of tomatoes for knee osteoarthritis is minimized, despite the presence of nutrients in fresh vegetables.
  3. Acid-containing fruits and berries. Such fruits lead to the accumulation of mineral salts that are dangerous to the joints.
  4. Flour products, sweets. Such foods contain simple carbohydrates that threaten to gain extra pounds.
  5. Coffee. Excessive consumption of beverages leads to a decrease in calcium salts in the body. This results in common problems. Calcium deposits help maintain healthy knee joints.
  6. Alcohol. There is a violation of metabolic processes. Nutrients are no longer absorbed.
  7. Semi-finished products, fast food products on the street.
  8. Mayonnaise.
  9. Refined fatty oils.
  10. Salt. Doctors recommend to monitor the amount of salt. Excessive salt intake threatens salt deposits, deteriorating knee joints.

Doctors also stop smoking as nicotine leads to vasoconstriction, as a result of which metabolic processes are disrupted. Smoking reduces the effectiveness of any treatment.

Fasting is forbidden during healing. The body needs nutrients. The use of diuretics and laxatives is prohibited. Such drugs disrupt metabolic processes, contribute to the loss of nutrients necessary for the knee joints.

Useful products

diet for knee osteoarthritis

Diet includes foods beneficial for knee osteoarthritis. Healthy foods provide the nutrients needed to improve knee health.

  1. low fat poultry, meat, fish. Meat and fish dishes should be natural. Meat-based soups are consumed regularly, but preference is given to raw vegetable dishes.
  2. Fermented milk products. The supplied proteins improve the cartilage tissue of the knee joints. The maximum fat content in dairy products should be 3. 2 percent. The menu includes fermented dairy products with a high calcium content.
  3. Eggs. You are allowed to eat up to three eggs a day. A large number of eggs disrupt metabolic processes, so there is a risk of adverse effects on the knee joints.
  4. Natural meat jelly. The dish contains collagen and chondroitin, which are needed to improve the condition of the knee cartilage.
  5. Arra. Vitamin E intake improves metabolic processes, stimulates the flow of beneficial ingredients to the knee joints.
  6. Cereals. The most useful are millet, rice, buckwheat, strong pasta. Cereals cooked to standard times provide complex nutrients and carbohydrates to support the body.
  7. Fresh vegetables and fruits. These foods contain nutrients that support the body in fighting knee inflammation.
  8. Mineral water, herbal and green tea. The diet also includes freshly prepared fruit and vegetable juices, previously diluted with water. Healthy drinks help to get vitamins and maintain the body’s water balance.

Knee osteoarthritis menus include healthy foods to ensure optimal nutritional intake.

Example of a menu for a day with osteoarthritis

The diet is varied and nutritious if the menus are right.

Drink a glass of clean water before breakfast. The juice improves metabolic processes and cleanses the intestines.


Drink fruit or vegetable juice first. After 20 minutes, it is advisable to eat porridge with a piece of butter. If you wish, for breakfast they plan cheese cakes with natural honey, cereal biscuits, hard cheese sandwiches, soft-boiled eggs, vegetable salad. After breakfast, drink green or herbal tea.


Fresh fruits or dried fruits are eaten for lunch. Nutrient intake is mandatory in the diet aimed at improving health in osteoarthritis.


Planning a vegetable or meat soup for lunch. For the latter, cutlets, roasted chops, roasted and boiled fish are ideal. It is recommended to take care of the presence of vegetable stew, mashed potatoes or baked potatoes, cereals. Rye bread will contribute to the intake of additional substances aimed at improving metabolic processes.

Afternoon snack

For an afternoon snack, they eat fresh sweet fruit, drink a cup of dried fruit compote with dried biscuits.


Nutritionists recommend a light meal to prevent weight gain. Recommended dishes are vegetable salads, casserole with relaxing herbal tea.

When planning the right diet for osteoarthritis of the knee, the emphasis is on optimal calorie intake, intake of beneficial ingredients.